Childtime of Chester

Information card of Establishment and school "Childtime of Chester" at 4311 Old Lane, Chester, VA 23831. Here you will find information about the company, its address and phone number, work hours and customer testimonials.


Phone number:
+1 804-751-0399

4311 Old Lane, Chester, VA 23831
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  • Tyra Bacon
    Apr, 21 2018
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    The Assistant Director K. Cole is unpleasant and incompetent. When asking for a copy of my paperwork the center claimed was provided to me and signed by me…I was advised the so called paperwork was destroyed in a recent flood. Definitely seems like a cover up for documents they simply do not have because I never signed them. (SO is this building even up to code?) I went to drop my children off today and was told I have to fill out paperwork or my children could not stay. I asked if I could fax over the paperwork or is there a digital option. I was told I have to fill it out right then and there….I was late for work due to this. The assistant Director advised me she had to watch me fill out the paperwork when I asked for space and privacy. She refused to give me space. I NEVER experienced anything like this in my life. My children are being withdrawn from this center because I cannot tolerate what I’ve experienced today going forward. On top of it all I have to resubmit my children immunization records and birth certificates. It’s too much of a hassle and not worth the stress of dealing with a rude staff member.
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